greatest two days ever. i think any of the other 1,500 or 2,000 people on the little Key off the island of Utila would agree that although a rip off, Sun Jam was spectacular.
from noon to noon, 24 hours of techno, house, trance, whatever crappy repetitive electronica it is, blasted throughout this tiny island as all danced or looked like morons freaking out to the beat.
the clearest water with perfect reefs surrounded the island for a great refreshing dip to start off my afternoon followed by an endless night of jumping up and down along with flailing my arms erratically.
as an added bonus, all the street meat vendors from the down brought their ovens to the island.
oh yea, i almost forgot how i almost didnt make it to the festival. in order to get a boat ride for half the price (which ended up being free), i jumped on a boat with the hot dog vendor. about 8 of us squeezed on this tiny leaky boat and we all had to lean from side to side to prevent the boat from tipping due to the large wakes made by bigger and faster water cruisers. Luckily, we didnt capsize like happened to Ann-Marie, whom i've bumped into for the fifth time now on my trip.
Fire spinners, tons of lights, freaks, and great friends from all over the globe helped make the fest really memorable. Although it was supposed to go until noon, 9am saw the end of the festival, which in hindsigt was good because by 10:30 (while on the boat back to Utila) the downpour showed up again. At least it waited until Sun Jam ended. Good thing the after party continued at Coco Locos later that night with more trashy techno that i couldnt help but make cheesy dance moves to.
hopefully some pictures will eventually be found at